If you haven’t already, watch the video “How to take Cornell Notes”

To Do:

  1. Find a TED talk or conference keynote video that interests you to practice your own note-taking skills using Cornell Notes.
  2. Split your page so that it looks like Cornell notes (see image)
  3. Take notes that make sense to you in the right-hand (two-thirds) space.
  4. When you are done, use two different colour markers to highlight key points and new or specialized vocabulary.
  5. Use the left-hand (one-third) space to rewrite those key points and vocabulary with explanatory text.
  6. When you are ready, add a response to the Cornell Notes activity by uploading a file or provide a link to your Cornell Notes in the submission form.
  7. In the activity description, include the name and link to the video you watched and provide a reflection about your process and possible applications.
  8. After you make your submission, save the web address to your response (found in the green confirmation box) so you can use it later for your badge submission form.

This activity is part of the Organize Knowledge section of the Teacher for Learning Module.

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Creative Commons License
This work by Stephen Harlow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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